CBD DosingCannabis

CBD Dosing

Providing dosing recommendations for various illnesses, CBD Oil Review has authored an informative list of suggested CBD doses. As mentioned in the article, each person has a unique metabolism and CBD will effect everyone in a unique way. So its best to start with smaller doses and gradually increase until …
Juicing CannabisCBD

Benefits of Juicing Cannabis

Dr. William L. Courtney tells us about the amazing potential of juiced cannabis, and the numerous diseases it can potentially treat. From bone remodeling, improving intestinal function / neural function, inflammation control, pre-cancerous protection, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, chronic infections, hypo-thyroidism, and more, the past misconceptions about Cannabis are no …
Hemp CBD Oil ExtractionCannabis

Extraction and Terpene Loss

As we learn more about medical cannabis, we are becoming clearer about how many different healing agents exist within the plant. Terpenes, the fragrant essential oils within Cannabis may actually work synergistically with THC, CBD and other Cannabinoids. Besides creating the distinctive aromas of various strains of Cannabis and other plants, …
CBD Therapy for ChildrenCannabis

CBD Therapy for Children

According to our laws, a Schedule I drug has no accepted use for medical treatment in the United States, a high potential for abuse, and a lack of safety under medical supervision. But with each success in treating illness with Cannabidiol (one of the Cannabinoids in Cannabis), we must ask …
Epilepsy and CBD TreatmentCannabis

Epilepsy and CBD Treatment

During one of Dr. Mechoulam's initial CBD trials, (see the movie about his life work on our home page) he was given a group of incurable epileptic patients. He prescribed each of them 200 mg of CBD and amazingly - all of their seizures stopped. While we do not make dosage …
PTSD and CBD TherapyCannabis

PTSD and CBD Therapy

A very interesting and illuminating interview about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, its causes and treatment. Dr. Philip Blair, MD Retired Army Colonel, explains the endocannabinoid system, how it is affected by PTSD, and how CBD Therapy can help patients recover from trauma and stress. He makes dosage recommendations and tells …
New CBD ClassificationCannabis

New CBD Classification

Shockwaves were recently sent through the Cannabis industry when the DEA finalized their ruling on CBD. While many were upset, others in the industry expected this to be the final position. In their statement, CBD Oil and any Cannabis extract falls under a new code and carries a Schedule 1 …
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatmentCannabis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

After my initial diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, my doctor presented me with unappealing options - begin taking pharmaceutical drugs or lose the use of my hands in a few years. Threatened and in a state of shock, I refused to make a hasty decision. And it wasn't so much that …
CBD TherapyCannabis

CBD Therapy

After watching The Scientist, a documentary about the award winning Research Scientist Dr. Mechoulam, it is not hard to imagine the many ways CBD Therapy might benefit Humanity. From making the nausea from Cancer Treatment more manageable, to treating epilepsy and other diseases, we are only beginning to understand its …
CBD Hemp PasteCBD

CBD Hemp Paste

[caption id="attachment_161" align="alignright" width="300"] CBD Hemp Paste[/caption]Hemp Paste is our signature product, at CBD Edibles. It is also the key ingredient in our CBD Chocolate Bars, providing 140 mg of CBD in each bar. That makes it among the most potent chocolate bars available.Hemp Paste is available in three sizes: …
Canna CBD Dog SupplementCBD

Canna CBD Dog Supplement

Canna Doggy, our CBD Product for canines. [caption id="attachment_5" align="alignnone" width="300"] Canna CBD for Dogs[/caption] Buy Now …